Scale Your SaaS
Scale Your SaaS
109: What Software Buyers Look For - with Chad Stewart
This week we had a different perspective, the buyer's perspective, as I talked with Chad Stewart from SmartThoughts. Chad is a professional software buyer - organizations hire him to determine which software platform they should adopt. So he has seen every sales process imaginable and has a special insight we can learn from. In particular, Chad and I talk about:
- The biggest mistake software sales people make
- Why he is a fan of great salespeople
- What is most important to be sharing with your buyers
Chad is really smart and totally understands how a sales process should be run. In fact, he loves it when the sales rep has a well defined, structured process that he and his clients can follow. Don't we all?
To learn more about Chad and SmartThoughts, visit: https://www.smartthoughts.net/
Follow Chad on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chadstewartsoftwareexec/
For more about how host Matt Wolach helps software companies achieve maximum growth, visit https://mattwolach.com/.
As part of the founding team in his first SaaS product, Matt owned the sales & marketing processes. But he struggled to sell and gain traction for the company. It took years of learning and tweaking before Matt created The Perfect DEAL Process, an innovative yet easy to implement method for closing more software deals. To find out more, visit https://mattwolach.com/about-matt.
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